Monday, 1 December 2014

Happy Thanksgiving from Boston!!!

When the first European settlers arrived in Massachusetts in 1620s, their fate was uncertain.  They were far from their homes with little knowledge of how to support themselves in this new, foreign country.  Luckily, some of the locals befriended them and helped them to learn how to survive in America.  Surprised at having survived their first year, the settlers decided to celebrate by having a feast and by inviting their local, friends who helped them.  Since then, Americans have been celebrating Thanksgiving on the 4th Thursday of each November by getting together with their loved ones to feast and being thankful for each good year.

This year, the Students & Faculty of Stafford House Boston, have kept America’s most gluttonous tradition alive by having a potluck party of our own. With each student bringing in a dish from their home country, we had the most diverse food fiesta imaginable; falafel, curry, caprese, baklava, pizza, dumplings, okonomiyaki, eggrolls and on and on. If you can name it, then we ate too much of it.


Nearly 400 years after the origin of Thanksgiving, foreigners are still coming to Massachusetts. In the meantime Stafford House Boston is striving to make that first year more comfortable for our students. While a lot has changed since then, we are still very thankful for each good year, for the chance to build relationships with our students and for the exciting, international environment that we work in.

Happy Thanksgiving from Boston!!!

By Aaron Sisson - Center Director Stafford House Boston


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